artist feature: madison hood
I am the proud aunty of 6 incredible nieces and nephews, the eldest of which is Madison. Ever since she was a wee thing, Madison asked questions with such determined clarity that you couldn't help but answer her ... often with brows arched anxiously to her mother. She wanted to know the truth and that was all there was to it. You could see her 5 year old brain puzzling the pieces together and locking them in place as she learned about the universe, made up her own mind about religion and found her own artistic voice.
Madison Hood (Moonstone), age 14
Now that she is fourteen, she is often my source for answers. This summer, during a crazy family reunion, we found a moment in the eye of the storm of activity to talk about drawing. I have always felt shy of the 2 dimensional art form, preferring to sculpt my ideas into life; while that is where Madison shines. I asked her if she would consider teaching me some drawing skills so that I could practice designing characters for my hats. Madison's eyes lit up. "Oh aunty Rena, could I try drawing characters for Lalabug?!" she asked more out of excitement then doubt in my abilities (I hope :D). I answered emphatically, "oh my gosh, yes!". Below are two examples of the fruits of that conversation, plus a few of her favourite imaginings (i personally love her sketchbook cover "doodle"... jeez, if i could do that i'd proudly frame it).
Madison, preferring the avatar Moonstone, draws inspiration from video games and popular culture, as well as from the spirited banter of her eclectic group of friends. She is revealing her art to you with pride and excitement, but also with a little trepidation. When Madison was in primary school, she had an experience that resulted in her losing her joy of drawing, returning only when she found safety in a new school environment. Because of that she asked me to ask you to be gentle with your feedback. I have no fear, though... for one, i have never known anything but support and kindness from artist and fairy alike, but also because Madison's art is just plain amazing.
1000 years of sleep, by madison hood
lily bug, by madison hood
Moonstone, MLP Peryton, by madison hood
Take notes kids :D, by madison hood
a pencil crayon doodle on madison's sketch book
yokarimon ghost type eevee evolution, by madison hood